This Week's RAMP


Today’s video goes through two Core-activation exercises that can either be incorporated into your RAMP warm-up OR within your workout.  Perform one set of each if using these as a pre-workout RAMP, or circuit 2-3 sets if integrating them within your workout.


The first exercise is the cross-bridge dead bug.  Check out the video, and you’ll understand where the name came from!  This is an “anti-extension” core exercise and your goal is to prevent your low back from arching as you extend your arm and leg.  For “bonus” points, exhale “deeper” into your core “brace” with every arm/leg reach as well.  Keep re-establishing counter pressure between your hand and knee with every rep if it starts to fade.



The second exercise is a variation on the McGill Bird-dog.  One of the goals of the traditional bird dog is to focus on glute and hamstring activation of the extended leg, but we sometimes find that clients have a hard time with this.  By wedging a ball/sandbag behind the foot that you can press into, you can get some “feedback” in those muscles that really helps turn those on.  In addition, make sure to really press into the hand that is on the ground, as that will increase the core/oblique recruitment.  We added Sandbag variations of these two exercises into our Amazon program!


Try performing 1-3 sets of:

10 e Cross-Press Dead-bug

5 x 5 sec e McGill Bird Dog “Press”