10 Minute Challenge - April 21st

10 Minute Workout Challenge of the WEEK!

Before every 10-min workout challenge we recommend that you warm-up with some rolling and a RAMP. (Check out yesterday’s RAMP here). At the very least make sure you warm-up your body by doing something to increase your blood flow and temperature.  Examples include 5-10 easy sets stairs, 3 sets of 20 each of high knee marches, 20 low impact “skips”, and/or 10 each direction side shuffles. It bears repeating that if you have time, do some rolling and the RAMP before joining us for this week’s 10 minute challenge.

Don’t get mad, but I think if you do the math, this week’s 10 min challenge is actually closer to 12 min… (Sorry).  The idea behind this week’s challenge is to work hard for 30 seconds and the rest for 30 seconds.  During your “rest” you can just pace and try to slow your breathing or you can perform some easy dynamic movements that you find non-taxing.  The key is to give your body the opportunity to recover so you can push hard for every 30-sec bout.  If you push to you max you are more likely to tap into your anaerobic zone which equates to increased fat burning and increased anaerobic and cardiovascular capacity.

There is one caveat however, to how hard you can and should push.   If you’ve worked with any of our awesome PI trainers you know how much push depends on every persons’ fitness level and ability to perform proper movement patters. FORM is PARAMOUNT and trumps intensity for long term success.

:30/:30 WORKOUT (2 sets) Work for 30, rest for 30

·       Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive - :30 seconds per side

  •      Lean forward, keep pressure through front foot, drive off glute and drive arms hard.  Don’t let support knee collapse inward

·       Floor Mountain Climbers - :30 seconds

  •       Tall spine, quick legs

·       Swimmers - :30 seconds

  •      On stomach, brace abs, keep shoulder down and back, alternate arms and legs moving from hips and shoulders only

·       1L Iso Glute Bridge - :30/:30 seconds (Can do this consecutive – 30 sec R, immediately into 30 sec L)

  •        Keep opposite knee flexed up at 90 degree, press through heel and squeeze glute. Toe up on support leg

·       Hockey Jumps - :30 seconds

If your time and fitness level permits, you could consider adding in a third set.  Make sure you finish this workout with a cool-down walk and then some more rolling and full-body stretch.  Check back next week for another 10 min-”ish” workout challenge!