Check out this intermediate (or “advanced” beginner) RAMP using a dowel.  A “broom-less” broom stick will also work if you don’t have a dowel. The stick/dowel functions to assist your balance so you can focus on feeling that comfortable stretch in the various positions rather than fighting so hard for your balance that that’s all you can focus on. Later in the RAMP, the dowel functions as a coaching cue to achieve better alignment during the exercises.  Check out the video for lots of helpful cueing.



Range of Motion

10 e Back lunge with dowel assist

10 e Single Leg RDL stretch with dowel assist

10-15 Partial or full dowel dislocates

10 e dowel assist alternating Glute stretch

10-15 Super-frog

3 reps of 1e Push-up, plank ankle/calf stretch with child’s pose recovery to each side



20 alternating kick from hip bridge (dowel placed across hip bones)

5 e x 5 sec Bird dog with dowel balanced on spine

10 e straight leg lift from bent knee plank + 10 sec hold