Stretch Series: Hip Openers

Stretch Series w/ Steve: Hip Openers


Tight hips? Achy back? The key to gaining flexibility is frequency and duration.  If you stretch once a week, to be honest you’re wasting your time.  If you’re trying to improve the flexibility of a body part, you must stretch at least 3 days per week.  Accumulate time in each position for 1-2 minutes.  

Here’s a few of my favourite hip openers:


·       Sit on the floor with both knees flexed at 90 degrees (One knee should point up and the other knee down)

·       Place your hands behind your back to try and stay as tall as possible

·       Ideally try to keep both sit bones on the floor, so you want to try and gently press the “back” knee down

·       Hold this position for about 5 seconds, breath deeply and then flip to the other side

Shin Box

Shin Box

·       You may notice one side tighter than the other.  Accumulate more time on the tight side

·       Perform this stretch 1-2 minutes, moving slowly through each position


·       You can do this stretch statically, holding the position, or dynamically, adding movement

·       Try to set your shin up approximately perpendicular to your body, depending on your flexibility

·       Hinge forward, keeping a tall spine and think of trying to press your front knee down towards the floor



·       Either hold this position 1-2 minutes per side or move dynamically holding each stretch 3-5 seconds before switching

·       If this irritates the knee, try placing a yoga block or pillow under the front knee


·       Make sure to use a mat to protect your knees

·       On your hands and knees, spread your knees apart and splay your feet spread out

·       If you’ve never tried this, it may feel aggressive, so don’t go too crazy!

·       Make sure to keep a tall spine and brace your abs slightly

Super Frog

Super Frog

·       Either hold this position 1-2 minutes or move dynamically holding each stretch 3-5 seconds and then shift forward out of the stretch

Remember, to improve your flexibility try these stretches 3-5 times per week and hold or move through each stretch for 1-2 minutes.  Enjoy!