
Family Circuit

Family Circuit

Partner Up!

Fun and Challenging Family Workout to Combat Screen Time

If you read my last blog post you’ll know that as a parent, one of the most impactful things you can do to invest in your kids’ health is to participate and model an active lifestyle yourself. Things as simple as walking as a family, spending time outdoors together and mutually limiting screen time can go a long way.

However, if you’re like many of our gung-ho parents with super active families, you may be wondering how to keep your kids off the screen during a summer vacation when structured sports and activities are taking a break.

Even on vacation, Steve and I keep up a morning workout routine, and sometimes our kids join us too! Here’s a sample challenging but fun partner workout you can do with your kids, partner, or friend.

Make sure to warm-up prior to doing the workout suggested below. And yes, Steve and I DO pack our indoor softball to do our self soft tissue release as a part of our warm-up. Usually, one of us rolls while the other dynamic stretches and then we swap prior to any workout we do.


The idea during this workout is that Partner A completes the first exercise in the Superset pairing and meanwhile, Partner B completes as many quality reps as they can of the second exercise until Partner A has completed all their reps of the first exercise. Then partners “swap” roles before going on to the next Superset pairing and the pattern repeats over the duration of all the Supersets.


Walking lunges down and back (Depending on level Choose a “target” that allows you complete 10-25 lunges /side)

push-ups/shoulder taps (Perform push-up variation of your choice for duration of your partner’s lunges, then, if necessary, regress to shoulder taps)


Walking lunges down and backProne T’s


Walking lunges down and backpush-ups/Shoulder taps (just as in SS Pairing #1)


Walking lunges down and backProne Y’s


15 reps e Single leg bench touch (option to add hop) R and L leg lead

Plank with optional Lateral leg tap


15 reps e Single leg bench touch (option to add hop) R and L leg leadProne T’s (start with thumbs up, then when partner switches legs and yells switch, change to thumbs down)


15 reps e Single leg bench touch (option to add hop) R and L leg lead

Prone Y’s

BONUS Finisher

Plank hold as long as possible – partner does repeating 10/10 armadillo/stick em-ups combo until partner can’t hold plank anymore (then partners switch!)

BONUS Finisher 2

Partner A holds a bridge while Partner B commando crawl 4 up to 8 x back and forth underneath Partner A, then switch

***Note if one partner is too big to commando crawl underneath the other, you may need to modify that 🙂

Have fun with it! And don’t forget to do a family cool down stretch after letting each person lead two stretches of their choice.